Não sabia que em Philadelphia existia uma ligação tão grande com a Irlanda, fiquei surpreendida com a quantidade de "pubs" irlandeses e as pessoas a comemorar este dia com todo o rigor.. no domingo assiti à "Parade"!
"The Irish in Philadelphia first celebrated St. Patrick's Day as in1771, five years before the Declaration of Independence was signed ! The first documented St. Patrick's Day Celebration Parade in Philadelphia was held in 1771, marking over 239 continuous years of celebrations. This parade is the 2nd oldest Parade in the Country, topped only by the New York City Parade. The current parade, which is hosted by the St. Patrick's Day Observance Association, was incorporated as a non profit organization in 1952." (http://www.philadelphiastpatsparade.com/)
Algumas fotos podem ser vistas aqui!!